
英语笔译 英语笔译微实践集锦

来源: 关键词:一级建造师 浏览量:



  1. 请翻译:Her mother's pride in the girl's appearance led her to step back, like a painter from his easel, and survey her work as a whole.


  2.请翻译:D'Urberville looked round upon her, nipped his cigar with the tips of his large white centre-teeth, and allowed his lips to smile slowly of themselves.


  3.请翻译:Directly Tess was out of sight, and the interest of the matter as a drama was at an end, the little ones' eyes filled with tears.


  4. 请翻译:Then d'Urberville cursed and swore at her, and called her everything he could think of for the trick. Turning the horse suddenly he tried to drive back upon her, and so hem her in between the gig and the hedge.


  5. 请翻译:The house was overrun with ivy, its chimney being enlarged by the boughs of the parasite to the aspect of a ruined tower.


  6. 请翻译:A few minutes later the chimneys of The Slopes appeared in view, and in a snug nook to the right the poultry-farm and cottage of Tess's destination.



  1. 请翻译:美国奥巴马政府周二发布的新政策最终版本,要求汽车制造商在2025年之前,将新轿车和卡车的平均燃油效益提高近两倍。

  #参考答案#The Obama administration issued on Tuesday the final version of new rules that require automakers to nearly double the average fuel economy of new cars & trucks by 2025.

  2. 请翻译:自下周一、8月25日起,北京西城区砖塔胡同全天禁止机动车由东向西方向行驶。

  #参考答案#Starting from next Monday, August 25th, motor vehicles will be bared all day from traveling in the east-west directions on the Brick Tower Hutong in Xicheng District, Beijing.


  #参考答案#The China Securities Regulatory Commission yesterday said it plans to allow the foreign firms to raise their stake in domestic securities joint ventures to 49 percent.

  4. 请翻译:美国“堪萨斯城黑客之家”呼吁该市居民免费提供住所给企业家,让他们能够利用高速的谷歌光纤服务。

  #参考答案#The "Kansas City Hacker Homes" is calling on the city’s residents to house entrepreneurs for free so they could utilize the high-speed Google Fiber service.


  #参考答案#6 lives are claimed and 81 people infected in Quebec City’s outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease, the outbreak is believed to be the biggest and deadliest in Canada in the last 25 years.

  6. 请翻译:一项英国的新研究显示,人到中年若想保持健康的心里状态,需要有多位朋友并定期与他们见面。

  #参考答案#A new study out of the UK has found that the key to maintain a healthy mid-life psychological well-being is having a wide circle of friends and seeing them regularly.

  7. 请翻译:美国乔治亚理工学院的研究人员发现湿透的狗可以在4秒钟之内甩掉身上70%的水分。

  #参考答案#Georgia Tech researchers found that wet dogs can shake 70% of the water off their fur in 4 seconds.









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